Friday, January 11, 2013


I'm sure I'm doing this whole blogging thing backwards, but since that is my thing, I might as well stick to it!!

I will eventually get my conversion story on here and hopefully figure out to do tabs so that you won't have to read every past post to see who I am.
Today I would like to introduce you to my children and give them their blog handles.  That way I don't have to refer to them by their birth order numbers! lol

Starting from left to right:

 Wickers is the 11 year old in the green shirt. He is our well rounded student and athlete who is way to worldly for his tender years!  He has a wicked sense of humor and is prone to chronic belly-aching. He is very conscientious and a very hard worker.

Smoochie is the 7 yr old. He is the sweetest little boy when things are going his way.  And is slowly getting more cooperative about it when things aren't going his way!  He is spoiled rotten in the typical "baby of the family" way.  He is the one that stretches me, makes me grow in holiness with total dependence on prayer. I was cocky in my parenting.  He has reminded that I know nothing.  And I'm a better person and mother because of it.

Buggie is 14 yrs old.  He is our spiritual and insightful one that leads us to God.  (yes, momma is hoping for a priest!) He protects his innocence and chastity with valiant effort.  He has come into his own as far as school goes and it has been a delight to see his confidence grow!  He wants to be a musician, but doesn't want to practice.  I'm hoping he'll grow into that as well!

Bella is my beautiful 16 yr old daughter! She and Buggie look like twins, don't they?!?! They look like my husband's side of the family. She is a thoughtful and considerate young woman.  I marvel at her mothering abilities.  If she doesn't enter the convent, she is going to be the most awesome mom.  I can't wait to see what she chooses!

T-Rex is our second oldest son at 19.  He is a young man on hold right now as we wait for state assistance to transition him to adult services.  He is trying to be patient!  It is so hard to discern God's plan for him and I know that he often isn't getting the support he needs.  He is a very bright young man who graduated with a 3.8 on a scale of 4.  I know that God's plan will be grand.  Both of us just need to believe, wait and work for it to be revealed.

Last, but in no way the least!, is the RHM.  My Right Hand Man!  My almost 21 yr old adult son. (I cannot believe I have one of those!!!)  He is a student at the local community college and was working two jobs over the holidays.  Not sure what the plan is, and I don't know if he knows one either.  But he is a wonderful person and I delight that he hasn't left the nest yet!  I will miss his insight and quiet strength when he goes.  He is usually the first one to let me know when I've gone off the rails and the first to offer help to get me back on!  

So there they are!  The people who made me who I am today!  Thank you sweet Jesus for entrusting these people to my care.  Blessed Mother, help guide me and them back to Him!

That's my prayer, just like any

good mother would....

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