Monday, March 25, 2013

to persevere...

We are trying to sell our house.  With 6 kids and a 100 # laboradoodle that is an elephant in disguise, it was impossible to keep the house clean.  So we moved out.

Yes it's true.  Double house payments, double gas bill, double water and electric.  I'm not complaining because we can make the payments and we feel that it is God's plan.  The house will sell when it is time.  But it is still hard.

I bought the St. Joseph statue and refused to bury it.  I couldn't bring myself to put a statue in the ground.  I put it in a window sill.  And the house didn't sell.

After the New Year everyone I met was like, "Bury it, everyone we know who buried it had their house sell in X amount of days".

So I caved.

We had a verbal offer the next day.  The deal fell through, but still.

And then last week we had mass at work.  And for the intercessions I asked for our house to sell.  The priest said with a scowl, "did you bury the statue?"

I really didn't want to answer that.  I told him the WHOLE story about how I long I had held out....

He then said, "Well I guess it's lucky for the martyrs that they didn't cave in at the last moment".  CONVICTED!!! OUCH!!!

It's been 18 days and we've only had one showing.

As SOON as the ground thaws, that statue is coming out of the ground!!!

Because that is what...

a good mother would do!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

last Sunday in Lent....

About mid way through January I went into a panic about Lent.

I was not ready, either mentally or spiritually.   Ash Wednesday was too early and I was too busy to take the time to really get ready.  Writing that sounds really lame to me now.

Lent came anyway and I managed to get in the mind set and help my children as well.  It hasn't been one of my better Lents, but it hasn't been an epic failure either.

And now it is the last Sunday of Lent.  Now I need more time both mentally and spiritually to get ready for Easter.  I have so much more to do spiritually to get ready.  I have just found my "Lenten sea legs", so to speak, and I really want to hone these skills some more before the joy of Easter gets here.  I want to "feel" like I've really conquered some vices during this Lent.  Writing that sounds really lame to me now!

Cause, you know it's all about me and what I can do!!!! Good grief...need humility much?!?!?

So...on this last Sunday of Lent, I will clearly have to pray for the grace to hone these skills that were a gift from God to start with and ask that these remaining days continue to make me a better child of God...

a good mother would....

Friday, March 15, 2013

square dancing....

I LOVE the movie "It's A Wonderful Life".  I have a very specific Christmas ritual and I watch this movie one time a year as a part of that ritual.  I have always enjoyed, and been fascinated by, the dance contest sequence.

I grew up in the age of "modern" dance when people would just wiggle around on the dance floor in front of each other and call it dancing.  No waltz, tango, or even something fun as the charelston.  Just booty shaking with the girls trying to out shake their booties from the other girls.  That was 30 years ago and the dancing hasn't gotten any better.  I know that there are some that are even worse than just booty shaking.  There are the occasional line dances that every few years pop up that everyone learns, but no structured couple dancing has ever been popular since the jitter bug in the 50's.

In the town that I grew up in there was a family that had a big country barn and they would have square dances every Saturday night.  Oh, the fun we had!  But that was 30 years ago, they stopped doing them but a few times a year and we moved to the "big" city.  My husband hates it, and I forgot about the fun that was square dancing.

The little country school that Smoochie attends has TONS of fund raisers to support the school. In the winter they have a series of square dances. This has to be the best kept secret in our area because until he attended this school I never knew there were still square dances in the area.  The band that came to the school has GROUPIES!!!! There were 300 people there from 3 different states; 7 year olds to 70 year olds!!!

No body grinding, drug abuse or foul language.  A little bit of beer drinking, but that was more to quench the thirst than anything else.  It was tons of fun.  And reminded me of the simpler time in "It's A Wonderful Life". It gave me great hope for the future that this type of family activity still is around and supported with groupies!!!

I told my husband that if these kinds of events where held in the "big" cities, they would be much better places and we probably wouldn't be in the political mess that we're in.

I'm going to start square dancing again, because

a good mother would!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


A childhood friend is dying.  We are waiting for the call to inform us his suffering is over.

He is 46 with 2 children.  His son has autism.  That was a common thread that had kept us close over the years.  That shared experience, and "insider"' knowledge that people of typical children can't begin to imagine.

I worry for his son and his wife.  How will they make it?

Please pray for this fine man and his family as they make the transition to life with out him.

It will never be the same.

Saturday, March 2, 2013



Good did that happen?

How is your Lent going?  This whole month is immursed in Lent, as it often is.  It feels and smells like spring, but it hasn't quite come yet.  Just like the Resurrection.  We are doing prayers and sacrifice getting ready for the Resurrection, just like March is getting ready for spring.

Such a lovely time....I just wish it hadn't been caught off guard by it!