Sunday, January 13, 2013

in conclusion....

I reverted back to the Catholic Church when T-Rex was 6 months old. I have been attempting to discover the richness and traditions of the Faith ever since.  I make every attempt to follow the liturgical year and create traditions for our family that endear the calendar to our children.  That is getting harder the older they get because 20 somethings no longer think it is cool to paint angel ornaments during Advent!!! They may do it, but there is some lack of intense enthusiasm that was present when they were 10! Shocking, I know!

On of our traditions was closing the Christmas season on the Feast of Epiphany. The children all search for the hidden Wise Men and bring them to me to get their last little treat of Christmas.  We sing Christmas Carols and they each pick a Christmas light to unplug.  And off to bed they go because school usually starts the next day. I then leave the darkened tree up for the week, just to give us a chance to adjust to the darkened house.  That way it isn't dark AND empty!  We have been doing this particular routine for about 15 years.

Imagine my shock and dismay when I discovered this year that the Christmas season doesn't end until the Baptism of the Lord, which is today!!!! How have I missed it all of these years?!?! How could I NOT know the true length of the season!?!?! That is one of those things a good mother would know!!! GRRRR!!!  I'm grateful I've got a whole year to figure out how to incorporate this new found information into our tradition for the next Christmas season!

So, in conclusion of the season, on the last day of Christmas....I wish you all a final MERRY CHRISTMAS and a blessed feast of the Baptism of the Lord!

that's what...a good mother! :)

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