Sunday, April 6, 2014

Parenting fail!

Smoochie did break his leg.  BS took care of the whole thing on Friday while I was grocery shopping and getting the van repaired.  He beat me home!

The boy has a cast from his toes to the middle of his thigh. He won't, or can't, use crutches. I'll bet it's a little of both.

We left on Sunday, just like planned. We put Smoochie on the luggage cart to get him up to our rooms. That was some quick thinking on my part! The resort called the nearest Walgreen's and we were able to rent a wheelchair for the week.

Sounds great so far, doesn't it? Are you wondering about our epic parenting failure?

I'll give you a clue: swimming pool.

The boy was getting a little ripe after the stress of injury, casting, traveling and no bathing for 6 days AND he wanted to go swimming, really, really, really badly. So I got on the Internet and researched how to water proof a cast.

I felt confident that a towel duct taped to the top of his cast, with a trash bag duct taped to that with another bag duct taped over all of that would work.


That didn't work. It wasn't a tiny failure, a "little bit wet".  It was SOAKED!

Water pooling under the wheelchair soaked.

I was hysterically crying. I had visions of this child's skin rotting off from not being able to get dry. It took me an hour to recover.

I called our doctor and got instructions on what to do. We were able to get to a doctor in Tennessee who x rayed him, cut off the old cast, and had him in a dry cast in 2 hours flat.

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.

A good mother would.....NOT! :)

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