Friday, February 1, 2013

what does a good mother look like?

I drive a 10 yr old Ford E150 full size van.  It needed an oil change, so I went to our local francise of a national chain to have it done.  The employees drive it into the bay and you are invited to "take a seat and we'll be right with you".

So I did.  And he was.

We went through the formalities of the, address, do you need an air filter...typical.

And then he asked.  I suppose he couldn't help him self.  After 7 years, I'm used to it.

"So, is that a church bus?"

"Nope, it's mine.  I wanted a 12 passenger, but my husband said I'd fill with babies, so he only bought me an 8 passenger.  So I filled it with 6 babies."

"SIX?!?! REALLY??!?!"

Yep, I totally blew his mind.

So they finish and it's check out time.....

"You really have 6 kids?"

"Yes, dear.  I really have 6 kids."

"Wow.  You don't look like you have 6 kids."

"Thanks, that is very sweet of you."

And I thought it was at the time.  But as I was driving home...I began to wonder what someone looks like that has 6 or more kids?  Do we grow and extra head? (although extra hands would be sweet when the kiddos are little)  Haggard with no teeth?  Sloppy dresses and bare feet?  I mean, am I supposed to take that???

I guess I'm relieved that I have 6 children and look like a "normal" woman.


good mother would....

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