Friday, August 1, 2014

it could have been

Sweet Smoochie is making so much progress at the clinic.

Since going full time in January he has blown through his goals that we were working a year and half on! It took 6 months to get through it. And now we are scrambling to figure out what to work on next. It has been an amazing process.

I remember how happy I was when he got to move out of his therapy room, that his behavior had gotten good enough that he could be in the general population. I remember wondering what it would be like to have a child that works from one of the cubicles, instead of the room. Now I know. And then I wondered who would get James' old room.

I met him earlier this week. He is a big, non verbal boy, about 12 I think. His mother came to pick him and he attacked her in the lobby. Everybody flew into action, protecting her, her son, me and my son. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I marvel at the ability of these techs to be able to do this day in and day out with blinking an eye. Their dedication to helping these children and their families, at often great personal risk to themselves, is so admirable.

I then realized that this could have been Sweet Smoochie if we had waited any longer to get him intervention. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for putting us on this path earlier, for all the techs who are doing their vocation, and that He woke me up to trust Him to put my child there full time. He will always work things out to His greater glory!!!!

Please pray for the new boy in Therapy Room 1. That he will respond as well as Smoochie so that he can live a good life with his family.

I know I am!

a good mother would.....

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