The big, green, McBride bus is gone today.
It had been hanging around, unused, for the better part of 2 years. It was the back up vehicle when the "regular" van was in the shop, or if I were hauling a bunch of people, or helping friends move . But other than that, she was parked, faithfully waiting for when she would be needed again.
I. LOVED. that. van.
All 6 of the children rode in it to countless trips back and forth between schools. Which, some years, was up to 5 different buildings! I have no idea how many newspapers were delivered, trips to the zoo, family camping trips, boy and girl scout outings, church retreats, and school field trips that van went on in the 8 years we had it. But they are some of the most joyeous memories I have. And they were all contained in that silly, big, old van!
That is why I hung on to her for so long. She might be needed again for some fun, exciting excursion. As long as all 6 kids are hanging around, we might need to go somewhere!
But a funny thing happened. Those 6 kids are growing up. Even if they are still living at home, they aren't all going to same place at the same time anymore. And 3 of the 6 can drive themselves with a 4th coming on early next year. I'm not needed to make sure they get where they need to be any longer. So neither is the van needed.
The McBride bus is now the Bedwell bus. A young family with 5 sweet little ones still in car seats, in desperate need of the all the room Big Green has to offer, now will make their own special memories with the van.
As I watched them drive off with happy smiles last night, I was a little sad to see my van drive away filled with someone else's babies. I realized that mine are all grown up. That my era of those types of memories is coming to a close.
When one era ends, another begins and there is a reason for the season of life. This new one is just as sweet, albeit wildly different, than the demanding early years. I'm blessed beyond compare and so grateful for the new memories and events coming to me in the future.
So, you are called to service once again Big Green! Enjoy it as much as they will enjoy you! Carry the Bedwell family as safely as you did us, serve them well. Many, many, more happy memories shall fill the space between your wheels again!
Thank you for a job well done and the precious treasure of memories with which you have left me.
God speed Big Green, God speed!

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