Saturday, December 14, 2013


We always put up our tree on the third weekend of Advent.

In the past it was always so hard to make the children wait another week and typically that week before Christmas is so busy that I honestly never had time.  And since the third Sunday of Advent is all about Joy, it worked.

This year was no exception.

What was different this year was realizing that I'm on the tail end of parenting.  I have mostly young adults and teenagers now.  They won't always live here.  They won't always want to decorate MY tree.  They will have their OWN trees.  And I will be a visitor to their homes to see their trees.  And they will come and see my tree and remember.  Bittersweet.

BUT this year was a joy.  I let them have at it and just sat there and listened to them be siblings as they decorated OUR tree.  And this momma's heart was comforted even as I realized that it was the beginning of the end.  They will all be leaving in the next 10 years to begin their own traditions.  I wonder how many will be ones that we started here?

Joy in the moment, even when I realized that it can't last forever.  Made me cherish it even more....

a good mother would!

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