Wednesday, February 6, 2013


We invited a health care worker into our home this morning at a bright and early 7 a.m.

This nurse clearly loved her job.  NOT.

I have never had anyone in my home, especially so early, who was so minimally polite.

My husband graciously and with great patience jumped through all the required hoops.  Especially since he was running behind to get to the services for the our dear family member who passed away on Sunday.  To say he hadn't wanted to deal with this in the pre-dawn hours on a very busy and important day is an understatement.  He was so gracious and charitable in the face of inconvenience, and quite a bit of unfriendliness, in his own home!

And then he left.  Leaving me with her.

She said, "You're husband is so patient and kind.  You are so lucky. My day is filled with people who don't understand that this takes an hour and what the limits are to the information I can take."

My attitude quickly changed and became what it should have been the moment this woman walked across our threshold.  I should have been like my husband, and well, less like me.  I was quick to judge, and anger, and pompous superiority.

I understood that this woman isn't treated kindly by people that have ASKED her to come into their homes and provide a service all day long.  Of course she hates her job.  Who wouldn't?!?!

I am so proud of my husband that in the midst of his suffering that he could still offer charity to someone who was making it hard to offer it.  I hope that I wrapped it all up with additional kindness and sent her on her way with good thoughts for the rest of her day.

Just like any old...

good mother would....

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