Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's working!!!

I wasn't a believer.

I thought it could be a scam.

But I trusted my doctor and he trusted this clinic and we trusted God.

11 months later, Smoochie is talking in FULL sentences 75% of the time! No longer screaming, is off his meds and generalizing his behavior!

We had his IEP today, and it was the. Best. One. Ever!!!

Applied behavioral analysis, with lots of prayer, is working!!!

Praise be to God!!

You know a good mother does! ;)

Saturday, October 26, 2013


I work for a local, Catholic, radio station and we just completed our 3 day fund raising event.

On the first day, our local Fraternity of Saint Peter latin priest brought in a BVM statue from Fatima.  

I wanted it.  BADLY!!!!

So, I made my contribution knowing there wouldn't be a chance in...well, you know.

Imagine my reaction when they called my name.


This happened, of course, immediately following a discussion with our local Franciscan priest about whether to pray the rosary daily, EVEN if we pray it badly.

Think this is affirmation that Our Lady wants me to, even it I'm distracted,  interrupted and obstinate in my lack of desire?

I do!!!!

Thank you Blessed Mother! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013


When you have a child with a disability, change is a forbidden.

You get up in the morning and do the EXACT same thing, every day, the EXACT same way.

You eat the same breakfast cereal in the same bowl.

You leave the house at the same time.

You hope that when they get to school the teacher and the aide are there, because if they aren't?  Well, it isn't good.

Same thing for therapy.

We have been with Kat 3 days a week since January.  And Smoochie has never liked her.  I, on the other hand, ADORE her!  We communicate well, she advocates beautifully for my son, and she has an instinct about knowing what my son will do next.  But she is in danger of being physically harmed by Smoochie.  He hits, scratches, and bites her.  And it's getting worse.

So we are taking a break.  And it's change.  And I'm scared. Because change is forbidden.

Will this set him back?  Will he hate the new tech?  Will we see new behaviors?

This is the rock between the hard spot, when you can't stay where you're at, and you're afraid to move forward.  But we must.  My son is hurting someone whom I adore and who has his best interest at heart.  And we can't let that continue.

So change we must....

a good mother would!