Wednesday, July 31, 2013

for those with nothing.....

A local Christian radio station was bragging  announcing about their upcoming mission trip to Guatemala where they will be sharing with those "who have nothing".  The condescending tone was unintentional, I have no doubt. The sincerity that was involved in thanking "all the listeners whom have made this trip possible" sounded genuine.

But something about the whole thing bugged me.  Made me think.  Dangerous I know!

What does it mean to have nothing?

Do you have nothing if you live in a one room house with a dirt floor?  Or is that a roof over your head?  Is it condescending when people who live in McMansions help send middle class people to another country to "help" those who "have nothing"?

Do you have nothing if you have to go to the well in the village to get your water and haul it back to a hut? Or is that access to fresh, clean water?  Is it condescending when people who spend hundreds of dollars on Delta faucets help send middle class people to another countryto help "poor" people get stuff?

Do you have nothing if you have limited education? Or is it that how you live there is no need for these skills?  Is it condescending when people who have PHD's tell the middle class that they must go and help educate those poor, poor, villagers?

Just because they don't have roads, running water, huge houses with central air/heat, and electricity does NOT mean that they have NOTHING.  They have loving families and communities.  They often have great joy and generosity.

But I suppose telling your radio listeners that you are going to Guatemala to visit villagers who are "roughing it" wouldn't help you raise much money.  But physically "saving" them and giving them stuff?  That'll bring in the bucks!

The fact of the matter is that for thousands and thousands of years the people of the earth have lived like millions of the poor currently on this planet today.  They have more than nothing.  They are more than nothing.  And they don't need us to go visit them and treat them like a pet project that helps us feel better about our selves. 

We all need access to food, shelter and clothing.  It doesn't have to be steak, or a 4,000 sq foot house and haute couture.  Simple veggies, a hut with a dirt floor, and hand me downs are just fine.

And that IS something!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

done 3.....

We had a family paper route.  I can't remember if it was 5 or 6 years.  It doesn't really matter.  It was a long time of 6 days week, 12 months a year for several years on end.  I estimated it was about 110,000 papers in rain, snow, heat.  All holidays except for Easter because we didn't deliver on Sundays.

We gave it up.  Done at last.  My husband is ECSTATIC!  We had to plan our lives everyday around the delivery of those papers.  Christmas dinner?  Not till after the papers are delivered.  July 4th picnic?  Not till after the papers are delivered.  Vacation?  Got to have a sub for the papers.  It was always there.

And now it isn't.  It. is. done! An I don't know what to do with my self!!! LOL

We provided excellent service to over 70 customers, daily, for many years. We got to know many of them personally since it was the afternoon paper.  I gave them, and our manager, a month's notice that we were leaving.

How many thank you's and good byes do you think we received?

2 cards and 5 verbals.

BS says my expectations are too high. He asked, "Do we give Christmas cards to our mail carrier?"  Why yes, yes we do spouse!!! He looked at me.  Apparently that isn't normal.

Didn't it used to be????

I ALMOST regret all that excellent service and kindness to the nasty customers. But it isn't about the recognition.  It is about customer service and a job well done and the charity, especially to the elderly.

And now it's done.  And I'm glad.

Now I just need to learn what to do with all that time everyday!!!

A good mother would!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Done...part 2

I just checked my stats and the last time I posted was in MAY!

Seriously, how did 2 months get past me?!?!?!

Maybe it's because it was the end of school and I. was. done. with. that.  And then we FINALLY sold the house!!!!  It took us 4 more days to get the last of the stuff out of house that we had moved out of last year! No time for bloggging with that whole mess going on!~

The Lord soooo knows what He is doing doesn't He???  We moved last year on July 4th.  The house went on the market on Labor Day, last year.  And we closed on June 5th of this year.  We had $14,0000 in out of pocket medical bills, (just LOVE autism to no end) double house payments, utility bills and school tuition.  I did start working part time, and besides taking our savings down to single digits, I have no idea how we did it.  The good Lord knew this was where we needed to be and we just had to wait for the little family who finally bought our house to be ready to buy.

The new owner was pregnant with a little girl and due on July 19th.  That just so happens to be Bella's birthday.  No coincidence there!!!!  She actually had the baby on June 23 which is 2 days before T-Rex's birthday.  And they just love, love, love the house.  Her parents live in the next neighborhood down from ours, so I firmly, truly believe with all my heart, that my house was meant for them.  We just had to wait for them to be ready, and while it was a test of faith and prayerful perseverance, I have no doubt that the Lord was working His plan.

So, I am done being a homeowner.  Since the savings were wiped out, we will be here for who knows how long until we get back on our feet.  I'm very happy....BS not so much.  The children are conflicted.  But they move out, eventually, so their vote doesn't count for much! LOL  So very grateful that the Lord put us in a big, old beautiful house with plenty of room that we can afford and that is a most perfect location.  It's okay that I don't own it.

I'll just keep on making it a home, because,

A good mother would!